Cardiac Rehabilitation with SELFLOOPS

At SELFLOOPS, we are dedicated to advancing cardiac rehabilitation by providing state-of-the-art heart rate tracking technology. Our innovative solutions are designed to support both in-clinic and remote patient monitoring, offering a seamless and efficient approach to cardiac care.

What sets SELFLOOPS apart is its precision in monitoring heart rates. This accuracy is crucial for patients recovering from cardiac issues. The real-time data streaming not only provides immediate insights but also allows for quick adjustments in patient care, a key factor in effective rehabilitation.

One of the most exciting aspects of SELFLOOPS is its ability to empower patients in their homes. Through remote monitoring, patients can continue their recovery comfortably while their heart rate data is seamlessly streamed to their healthcare providers. This not only enhances patient comfort but also ensures continuous monitoring outside the clinical setting.

The technology is designed to streamline patient management for healthcare providers. It enables efficient care coordination and supports data-driven decision-making.

SELFLOOPS allows health care professionals to visualize the patient cardio workout intensity levels highlighted by different colors. This feature is critical for responding promptly to any significant changes in a patient’s heart rate. Additionally, the technology offers detailed reporting capabilities, aiding clinicians in tracking rehabilitation progress and adjusting plans as needed.

Safety and Security: A Top Priority

We understand the importance of data security, especially in healthcare. SELFLOOPS ensures that all patient data transmitted over the internet is secure. Reliability is also a cornerstone of our technology, providing consistent and trustworthy data.

A New Era in Cardiac Rehabilitation

The SELFLOOPS heart rate tracking technology is more than just a technological advancement; it’s a new way of approaching cardiac rehabilitation. By bridging the gap between in-clinic and remote care, it opens up new possibilities for patient treatment and recovery. We are excited about the potential this technology holds for improving cardiac health outcomes.

For more information about SELFLOOPS or to experience this technology firsthand, please feel free to contact us.

The SELFLOOPS Cosmic Levels: A Celestial Journey

Welcome to SELFLOOPS, where your fitness journey is a voyage through the cosmos! Our unique ranking system, inspired by celestial phenomena, motivates you to stay active and reach for the stars.

  1. Meteorite to Nebula (Levels 1-15): Your journey starts as a Meteorite, progressing through Comet, Meteor, Moon, and more. Each level requires consistent monthly activity, with points accrued through your workouts.
  2. Galaxy to Multiverse (Levels 16-26): As you advance, you’ll reach Galaxy and beyond. The challenges intensify, symbolizing deeper exploration into the fitness universe.
  3. Event Horizon and Singularity (Levels 27-28): The pinnacle of your journey. Reaching these levels signifies exceptional dedication and fitness achievements.

Each month, maintain or exceed your activity target to ascend. Miss the target, and you might drop a level, adding a strategic element to your fitness regimen.

This system is designed for long-term engagement, encouraging you to stay active and reach new heights over the years.

SELFLOOPS Cosmic Levels

0 -> Not Ranked (month 0)

1 -> Meteorite (consecutive months 1)

2 -> Comet (consecutive months 3)

3 -> Meteor (consecutive months 6)

4 -> Moon (consecutive months 12)

5 -> Planetoid (consecutive 24, 2 years)

6 -> Venus (consecutive months 36, years 3)

7 -> Mars (consecutive months 48, years 4)

8 -> Mercury (consecutive months 60, years 5)

9 -> Sun (consecutive months 72, years 6)

10 -> Jupiter (consecutive months 84, years 7)

11 -> Saturn (consecutive months 96, years 8)

12 -> Uranus (consecutive months 108, years 9)

13 -> Pluto (consecutive months 120, years 10)

14 -> Neptune (consecutive months 132, years 11)

15 -> Nebula (consecutive months 144, years 12)

16 -> Star (consecutive months 156, years 13)

17 -> Galaxy (consecutive months 168, years 14)

18 -> Supercluster (consecutive months 180, years 15)

19 -> Constellation (consecutive months 192, years 16)

20 -> Black Hole (consecutive months 204, years 17)

21 -> Quasar (consecutive months 216, years 18)

22 -> Pulsar (consecutive months 228, years 19)

23 -> Supernova (consecutive months 240, years 20)

24 -> Cosmos (consecutive months 252, years 21)

25 -> Universe (consecutive months 264, years 22)

26 -> Multiverse (consecutive months 276, years 23)

27 -> Event Horizon (consecutive months 288, years 24)

28 -> Singularity (consecutive months 300, years 25)

You can track your level on the SELFLOOPS Spark app.

Embark on your celestial fitness journey with SELFLOOPS and discover how far you can soar!

You can find more information on our support page

Enhancing Sports Performance with Psychometric Tests: A Holistic Approach for Coaches and Athletes

In the competitive realm of sports, coaches and athletes are constantly exploring innovative methods to improve performance. While physical training and sports performance analysis are fundamental, there’s an emerging recognition of the significance of psychological factors. This blog post delves into the integration of psychometric tests, such as the BRUMS, PANAS, I-PANAS-SF, VAMS scale, and the Feeling Scale, into the Selfloops platform. We’ll explore how these tools offer a comprehensive view of an athlete’s well-being and performance, heralding a new era in sports management.

Understanding Psychometric Tests in Sports

Psychometric tests are tools designed to measure psychological characteristics such as mood, emotions, and attitudes. These aspects play a crucial role in an athlete’s performance. Let’s look at some key tests:

  1. BRUMS (Brunel Mood Scale): Assesses mood states like tension, depression, anger, vigor, fatigue, and confusion, providing insights into an athlete’s mental readiness.
  2. PANAS (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule) & I-PANAS-SF (International Positive and Negative Affect Schedule Short Form): These tools evaluate positive and negative affect, offering a glimpse into an athlete’s emotional well-being.
  3. VAMS (Visual Analog Mood Scales): This scale uses visual cues to assess mood, beneficial for those who prefer non-verbal expression.
  4. Feeling Scale: A simple tool to gauge an athlete’s momentary levels of pleasure or displeasure, especially useful during training or competition.

Integration with SELFLOOPS: A Game-Changer

SELFLOOPS has integrated these psychometric tools into its offerings. This integration provides several advantages:

  1. Holistic Analysis: By combining physiological data with psychometric test results, coaches gain a 360-degree view of an athlete’s condition.
  2. Personalized Training: Understanding psychological states helps in tailoring training programs to suit an athlete’s mental and physical needs.
  3. Performance Prediction: Mood and emotions can predict performance levels. Coaches can make strategic decisions based on these insights.
  4. Well-being Focus: These tools emphasize the importance of mental health, crucial for long-term athlete development.

The psychometric tests are private to the user by default. The SELFLOOPS Spark smartphone app is used to submit the questionnaires, the analysis is available on the website.

Benefits for Coaches and Athletes

  1. Enhanced Communication: Insights from these tests improve the communication between coaches and athletes, fostering a better understanding of needs and concerns.
  2. Injury Prevention: By monitoring mental states, coaches can identify signs of overtraining or stress, potentially preventing injuries.
  3. Peak Performance: Understanding emotional states helps in optimizing training to achieve peak performance during important events.
  4. Career Longevity: Addressing psychological factors contributes to an athlete’s overall well-being, potentially extending their career.

Conclusion: A New Era in Sports Performance Management

The integration of psychometric tests in sports, especially through innovative platforms like SELFLOOPS, marks a new era in sports performance management. This holistic and comprehensive approach ensures that athletes are not only physically prepared but also mentally equipped to face the challenges of competitive sports. For coaches, these tools offer invaluable insights, enabling them to develop more effective and empathetic training strategies. Ultimately, embracing this multifaceted approach to sports performance can lead to enhanced results, healthier athletes, and a more enlightened approach to athletic training and development.

Remember, in the world of sports, success is not just about how hard you train your body, but also about understanding and nurturing the mind.

Embracing the Feeling Scale: A Tool for Athletes and Coaches

In the realm of sports performance, understanding the intricate interplay between physical exertion and mental state is paramount. Sports performance is not just about physical strength and endurance; it’s also about mental resilience and overall well-being. 

While the Borg RPE scale has long been a reliable indicator of perceived exertion, it doesn’t fully capture the emotional nuances that influence athletic endeavors. This is where the Rejeski Feeling Scale (FS) emerges as a valuable tool for athletes and coaches seeking to enhance performance and wellbeing. 

This approach to mood tracking, when incorporated into training sessions, offers a holistic perspective on an athlete’s experience, contributing to both performance enhancement and overall well-being.

Understanding the Rejeski Feeling Scale

Developed by Dr. W. Jack Rejeski, the Rejeski Feeling Scale is a subjective measure of how an individual feels during or after a physical activity. It is a simple yet powerful tool that allows athletes to express their emotions and perceptions, providing valuable insights into the psychological impact of their training. The scale ranges from -5 to +5, with negative values indicating negative emotions (e.g., fatigue, stress) and positive values representing positive emotions (e.g., enjoyment, exhilaration).

Complementing the Borg RPE Scale

While the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale has long been a staple in assessing physical exertion during exercise, the Rejeski Feeling Scale complements it by addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of training. While the Borg RPE Scale focuses on physical effort, the Rejeski Feeling Scale delves into the athlete’s emotional experience, providing a more comprehensive picture of their overall well-being.

By combining the Borg RPE Scale with the Rejeski Feeling Scale, athletes and coaches gain a more nuanced understanding of training sessions. This 360-degree perspective enables them to identify patterns and correlations between physical exertion, emotional responses, and overall performance. The result is a more tailored and effective approach to training that considers not only the body but also the mind.

Benefits for Sports Performance and Well-being:

1. Optimizing Training Programs: The Rejeski Feeling Scale helps coaches tailor training programs based on individual emotional responses. By understanding how athletes feel during and after specific activities, coaches can adjust intensity, duration, and recovery periods to maximize performance gains while minimizing emotional stress.

2. Early Detection of Burnout Monitoring the emotional well-being of athletes can serve as an early warning system for burnout or overtraining. The scale allows coaches to detect signs of mental fatigue or emotional strain, prompting timely adjustments to prevent long-term negative effects on performance and well-being.

3. Enhancing Motivation and Enjoyment: By acknowledging and addressing the emotional component of training, athletes are more likely to stay motivated and engaged. Training sessions that elicit positive emotional responses contribute to a more enjoyable overall experience, fostering a love for the sport and long-term commitment.

Implementation Strategies

1. Regular Integration into Training Sessions: Incorporate the Rejeski Feeling Scale as a standard practice at the end of each training session. Athletes can quickly rate their emotional experience, providing valuable data for coaches to analyze.

2. Feedback and Communication: Encourage open communication between coaches and athletes regarding their emotional experiences. This dialogue fosters a supportive environment and allows for adjustments to training plans based on individual needs.

3. Long-Term Tracking: Establish a system for long-term tracking of emotional responses. Analyzing trends over time provides valuable insights into an athlete’s emotional well-being, allowing for proactive adjustments to training programs.


The Rejeski Feeling Scale represents a groundbreaking approach to enhancing athletic performance by recognizing the interconnectedness of physical and emotional well-being. By integrating this innovative tool into training routines, athletes and coaches can unlock a deeper understanding of the psychological aspects of performance, ultimately leading to more effective and fulfilling training experiences. Embracing the Rejeski Feeling Scale is not just a step towards better performance; it’s a leap towards a holistic approach to sports that prioritizes both the body and the mind.

SELFLOOPS has integrated the Feeling Scale on the website and smartphone applications.


Hardy, C. J., & Rejeski, W. J. (1989). Not What, but How One Feels: The Measurement of Affect during Exercise. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11(3), 304-317. DOI:

Rejeski, W. J. (1981). The Perception of Exertion: A Social Psychophysiological Integration. Journal of Sport Psychology, 3(4), 305-320. Retrieved Nov 24, 2023, from

Leveraging Visual Analogue Mood Scales (VAMS) for Enhanced Sports Performance

In the realm of competitive sports, the physical prowess of athletes often takes center stage. However, psychological factors, particularly mood and emotional state, play a pivotal role in determining an athlete’s performance and overall well-being. Here, we delve into the Visual Analogue Mood Scales (VAMS) – a tool that’s increasingly gaining traction among athletes and coaches for its effectiveness in monitoring and enhancing mental states.

What is Visual Analogue Mood Scales (VAMS)?

VAMS is a psychological assessment tool designed to gauge an individual’s mood state. Unlike traditional mood questionnaires that rely on fixed responses, VAMS uses a visual approach. It typically consists of a series of lines or sliders marked with contrasting mood states at each end (e.g., happy vs. sad, energized vs. tired). Athletes indicate their current mood by marking a point on the line that best represents their feeling.

The outcome of using VAMS can be multifaceted:

  1. Immediate Mood Assessment: It provides an immediate snapshot of an athlete’s mood, which can be critical in a high-performance sports setting.
  2. Trend Analysis: Over time, VAMS can help in identifying mood patterns, highlighting periods of stress, fatigue, or emotional well-being.
  3. Informed Decision Making: Coaches can use this data to tailor training programs, competition schedules, and recovery periods.
  4. Enhanced Communication: It serves as a communication tool between athletes and coaches, fostering a better understanding of the athlete’s psychological state.

Why VAMS is Useful for Sports Performance

  1. Predicts Performance: Mood states can be strong predictors of performance. Positive moods often correlate with better performance, while negative moods can be a warning sign of potential underperformance.
  2. Monitors Overtraining: It helps in detecting early signs of overtraining and burnout, which are critical for long-term athlete development.
  3. Customized Training: Coaches can customize training based on mood states, optimizing both physical and mental preparedness.
  4. Psychological Well-being: Regular monitoring of mood can contribute to the overall psychological well-being of athletes, which is essential for peak performance.

How Coaches and Athletes Can Use VAMS

  1. Regular Monitoring: Incorporate VAMS into the daily or weekly routine. This regular check-in can provide valuable insights into an athlete’s psychological state.
  2. Pre and Post-Competition Analysis: Use VAMS before and after competitions to gauge the impact of competitive stress and recovery status.
  3. Tailored Interventions: Based on VAMS data, implement psychological interventions like mindfulness, relaxation techniques, or motivational strategies.
  4. Open Communication: Use the VAMS as a conversation starter for deeper discussions about an athlete’s mental health and coping strategies.
  5. Training Adjustments: Modify training loads and intensity based on mood states, optimizing performance while reducing the risk of mental fatigue.


The Visual Analogue Mood Scales offer a simple yet effective way for athletes and coaches to tap into the psychological aspects of sports performance. By regularly utilizing VAMS, teams can foster a more holistic approach to training, where mental health is given as much priority as physical fitness. This can lead to not only improved performance but also a more sustainable and fulfilling athletic career.

Remember, while physical skills get you in the game, it’s often the mental strength that sets champions apart. Embrace VAMS as a tool to harness this strength!

SELFLOOPS has integrated the Visual Analogue Mood Scales (VAMS) on the website and smartphone applications.


van Rijsbergen GD, Bockting CL, Berking M, Koeter MW, Schene AH. Can a one-item mood scale do the trick? Predicting relapse over 5.5-years in recurrent depression. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e46796. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0046796. Epub 2012 Oct 3. PMID: 23056456; PMCID: PMC3463530.