Visiting SRM

We have visited SRM in Lucca. SRM is the company that has created the bike power meters and are still defined as the gold standard for their accuracy in the measurements and reliability.

Some pictures below.

Track your swimming activities with a smartphone

Do you swim and you want to track your activities? There is an easy way to do it, without having a dedicated watch.

You can do it with just a smartphone. You can use the SelfLoops app for Android, or any other GPS tracking application that generates TCX/FIT files, like the Wahoo Fitness app for Android and iOS.

Start the smartphone application and put your smartphone inside a buoy that has storage for keeping things dry. We have used the  ISHOF SaferSwimmer Personal Swimming Float.

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And just swim.

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At the end of the swimming session you can upload the file directly on SelfLoops for a full analysis with speed, distance, calories, time spent and route on a map .

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