Garmin FR235 & Selfloops Group Fitness

The latest Garmin FR235 watch has an optical HR Sensor. The nice thing about this watch is that you can use it with our Group Fitness service since it can rebroadcast the HR signal.

From the DCRainmaker blog post Garmin Forerunner 230 & 235 In-Depth Review:
“Lastly, the FR235 can have its HR signal ‘rebroadcasted’ to other ANT+ capable devices.  The unit rebroadcasts the HR over ANT+, identically to that of a heart rate strap. ”

To enable this, you’ll start from the main time page and press down till you see this HR page. Then, you’ll HOLD the up button down for a few seconds, which gives you this little nugget:


Running with Power with Selfloops and Stryd

We have just received the Stryd device, the first device to measure running power.

Stryd works well with our Selfloops Android app and website for data analysis. Stryd measures your  heart rate and running power, with more running dynamic metrics to come.


To connect the device with the Selfloops app you should choose the ANT+ heart rate and the bike power profiles on the Sensors menu.

After the workout you can upload it on Selfloops for an advanced analysis of your run.

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And soon you will be able to export your sessions to Selfloops from Stryd Connect.


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We want to offer you the leading edge tech to track, measure and analyze your sport activities.

Happy running!

Selfloops Trends

We made it simple to analyze your performance.
Selfloops Trends visualizes your training progresses on just one page.
You’ll now be able to see how and when your performance have improved.
Select the metrics you want, set the dates and all your data will be on the screen.


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