Spark – the most advanced Apple Watch app

The most advanced Apple Watch app, Selfloops Spark

Spark is the only application for Apple Watch that supports the Group Fitness heart rate tracking service with users having to wear just the Apple Watch to join a class (no need for additional accessories or heart rate monitors.)

The Selfloops Spark Apple Watch app can connect to rowers, treadmills and bikes using the FTMS Bluetooth protocol. It is the only app that can do this tracking.

You can also stream your heart rate data over the Internet with our Selfloops Streams service for live classes using your Apple Watch.

Sell your Training Plans

Create an unlimited number of plans and sell them through the Selfloops Store. You’ll earn additional income and grow your list of potential athletes.

It is easy 

The Selfloops platform offers an advanced calendar in which you can easily create training plans. To create a plan you just drag and drop new workouts. It is also possible to create libraries of training plans and reuse part of those libraries to create new plans.

A platform for coaches

Through the Selfloops website a coach can create the training plans, compare the assigned workouts with the actual workouts and provide the necessary feedback to the athletes.

Athletes can connect to 3rd party services

The Selfloops website is integrated with 3rd party applications and services. This means it provides a place where the athletes and coaches can sync and analyse data and have all the information in a single integrated view.

You can find all the available services on the Selfloops website, in the Settings->Application menu

An updated Fitness & Freshness graph

We have just updated the Fitness & Freshness graph with the ability to choose a custom date range. This new feature will allow coaches and athletes to monitor an athlete’s form during a longer period of time, for example, during the entire season, with dates you are free to choose.

The Fitness & Freshness graph is used to monitor an athlete form and physical condition. The input data to the graph is biker power and heart rate data. The training load is measured by the Training Load metric when used with bike power data and by the TRIMP score when the data come from heart rate monitors.

The Training Load and the TRIMP score are metrics that summarise and provide a stress score coming from training. These metrics measure the volume of a certain workout by taking into account the time spent and the bike power and heart rate data.

For athletes, overtraining is a problem as much as not training enough. To improve sports performance we need to stress our body and push our limits. At the same time, too much stress risks to break ourselves with injuries and stress related issues.

A good coach is able to administer and monitor the workout load of the activities in order to push the athletes to better results and outcome. This work requires a delicate act of balance between stress and rest. The Fitness & Freshness graph is one of the tools that allows coaches and athletes to monitor their training load and balance.

Now in Selfloops, with more power.

Resilience and determination

“I was born in Verona, Italy on October 6, 1937. Fascism, Nazism, and Communism were raging through the country.
In the spring of 1941, German officers came to our chalet and arrested my mother. …I have believed that her place of incarceration was Dachau. age 4½, I set off on my own. I headed south, sometimes living in the streets, sometimes joining gangs of other homeless children, sometimes living in orphanages, and most of the time being hungry.

My recollections of those four years are vivid but not continuous, rather like a series of snapshots. Some of them are brutal beyond description, others more palatable.

..The same day that my mother arrived at the hospital, she bought me a full set of new clothes, a Tyrolean outfit complete with a small cap with a feather in it. I still have the hat.

My mother’s younger brother, Edward, had sent her money to buy two boat tickets to America. I was expecting to see roads paved with gold in America.

As it turned out, I found much more: opportunities.”

A short excerpt of the autobiography of Mario Capecchi that went to win the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Resilience and determination at its best.

Let’s get ready for 2021