Monitor Me

excellent documentary on the importance of monitoring our health and sport activities, BBC Horizon – Monitor Me. At Selfloops we really believe we can have an impact, you can improve only what you measure!

Launching the SelfLoops smart accessories

We have just announced the launch of our smart accessories. Accessories that enhance the capabilities of Android smartphones with sensors.

The first accessory is the SelfLoops ANT+ accessory. It enables Android devices with version 2.3.4 and higher to connect to health and fitness sensors. The accessory is the only and first device to allow that.

The second accessory is the SelfLoops Weather Station. An accessory for Android devices that enables to sense the environment around you thanks to temperature, humidity and barometric pressure sensors.

And last but not least, we have been featured in Engadget

Diego Rosa bike ride analysis during Giro d’Italia with Selfloops

Riding the Giro d’Italia is a great life experience. And Diego Rosa, a rider of Androni Giocattoli Venezuela team, had a great performance at his first Giro d’Italia, finishing 23rd in the overall final rankings.

As we say, you can only improve what you measure. And Coach Team Assistant has made a detailed analysis of Diego during stage 15 of Giro d’Italia, using our Selfloops platform.