Track multiple Concept2 rowers at the same time, using our Group Fitness Premium application. After the session, the workout can be uploaded on Selfloops for an in-depth analysis for coaches and users. (We support the Concept2 SkiErg too.) PM5 and PM4 are both supported.
Category: product announcements
product announcements or new features
An ubiquitous heart rate tracking platform
Thanks to our selfloops repeaters we are able to track heart rate monitors in large areas with a lot of people. Registered users are automatically recognized and tracked. Full report and analysis available after the workout.
For more info, see the SelfLoops Group Fitness PRO in our website.
Selfloops integration with Mindbody
Club owners that use Mindbody can now easily import their clients in Selfloops. This seamless experience allows to offer Selfloops services to the club existing customers. There will not be the need to manage users in two different platforms. Furthermore, it is possible to import all users on Selfloops or just a selected number of customers to which you want to add our services.
Mindbody is one of the most popular services to manage fitness clubs. It has online booking, acts as point of sale, manages staffs and resources, produces a variety of reports, offer client relationship tools, marketing tools and many other features to manage a club.
For more information, contact us at sales (@)
Announcing Moxy support
We are happy to announce that we have included the support for Moxy.
Moxy is an innovative device that uses infrared light to continuously monitor oxygen saturation (SmO₂) levels in the muscles of athletes while they exercise.
Oxygen is the fuel that drives the muscle, and Muscle Oxygen levels are constantly changing.
Moxy is used to assess athletes, guide their training, and hone their performance during competition. It helps identify optimal training intensity zones and provides feedback on the physiologic systems limiting performance.
Now with SelfLoops you can analyze how the Total Hemoglobin Concentration (THb measured in g/dL) and the Percentage of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen (Smo2 %) vary while exercising.
These are additional metrics that can be used to evaluate and measure your trainings.
Since Moxy conforms to the ANT+ Muscle Oxygen profile, we have added this profile to our indoor bike power training service. Basically, train with our app, automatically upload your data on SelfLoops and get all the analysis on your workout, including THb and and Smo2, on the SelfLoops website.
You can only improve what you measure!